Prof. Karl Kleine | useful www addresses |
This is a collection of web links (URLs), which I found useful.
As I live in Germany, many of the links of my original version
naturally refer to German and Central European resources.
This revised and enlarged international version in English
dropped a number of specific German items not useful for readers
abroad. You find the
German version here.
Next to the generally useful www addresses on this page
the bulk of the web addresses on my research on the history
of computation will be on specific web pages. But this will come later.
Search engines / aids and language support
lexica Wikipedia: DE / EN, Lueger 1904- / 1926- dictionaries Wiktionary, LEO, DWDS, Wörterbuchnetz translations DeepL Translator / Write, Google translate, MS Bing translator, Yandex translator |
Support for my personal research
slide rules Oughtred Society, RST, NL KRING, UKSRC, ARC, ISRM, Rod Lovett's pages, McCoy K&E pages, Rechnerlexikon, [sliderule] / [drawing instruments] patents DPMA mit DEPATISnet und DPMAregister, EPO – European Patent Office (Suche), WIPO Patentscope |
News sources
radio BBC world service / programmes, Deutschlandfunk newspapers FAZ, Süddeutsche, Handelsblatt, NZZ, NRC, The Guardian, New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Le Monde, Le Figaro, Jerusalem Post German weekly journals Der Spiegel, ZEIT, Wirtschaftswoche other sources Heise Ticker, Wired, slashdot |
Miscellaneous useful items
postal services & tracking services postcodes Germany / worldwide, 17track, DHL weather DWD, Wetterkontor, US National Weather Service, UK Met Office, UK WeatherOnline travel by car route planner Michelin and ADAC and by train DB Reiseplaner maps Google maps, Bing maps, OpenStreetMap |
Personal computing
PC keyboards / typing foreign language texts (currently just for Germany) survey on Wikipedia, typing Russian, typing French and we will certainly have more on that in the future ... |
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